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All new Base Drop now with High Grade Flavourings for Bakers and Mixologists! Free Standard Shipping on all products at $75. Express Shipping at $100 (excludes PG/VG)
All new Base Drop now with High Grade Flavourings for Bakers and Mixologists! Free Standard Shipping on all products at $75. Express Shipping at $100 (excludes PG/VG)
Maximising the Shelf Life of Flavour Concentrates: A Guide

Maximising the Shelf Life of Flavour Concentrates: A Guide

Whether you're a passionate mixologist or a culinary enthusiast crafting your own unique delicacies, one thing remains constant: the desire to extend the shelf life of your precious flavour concentrates. These concentrated essences are the backbone of any great recipe, and preserving their potency ensures that your creations continue to delight the senses for longer. Here are some tips to help you store your flavour concentrates effectively, safeguarding their quality and enhancing your mixing experience.

1. Keep it Cool and Dark:

Flavour concentrates are sensitive souls, easily affected by heat and light. To preserve their vibrant flavours, store them in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. A cupboard or pantry is an ideal spot, ensuring a stable environment that shields your concentrates from degradation.

2. Seal it Tight:

Oxygen is the enemy when it comes to maintaining freshness. Ensure that your flavour concentrate bottles are tightly sealed after each use to prevent air from seeping in. Invest in quality bottles with secure caps or transfer your concentrates to smaller containers if necessary, minimising the headspace and reducing the chance of oxidation.

3. Avoid Contamination:

Cross-contamination can compromise the integrity of your flavour concentrates, leading to off-flavours or spoilage. Use clean, dry utensils and syringes when measuring or dispensing concentrates, and never double-dip to prevent introducing contaminants into the bottle. Maintaining strict hygiene practices is key to prolonging the lifespan of your flavour concentrates.

4. Consider Refrigeration:

While not always necessary, refrigeration can be beneficial for certain flavour concentrates, particularly those containing delicate ingredients or natural extracts. However, be cautious of condensation when removing refrigerated concentrates, as moisture can dilute the flavour potency. If you opt for refrigeration, allow the bottles to come to room temperature before use to minimise this risk. Some flavours, particularly iced/menthol, may crystallise when cold. Simply allow to reach room temperature and shake.

5. Rotate and Label:

To avoid forgetting about older concentrates languishing at the back of your stash, practise FIFO (first in, first out) rotation. Label your bottles with the purchase or mixing date to track their age accurately, ensuring that you use older concentrates before reaching for fresher ones. This simple habit can prevent waste and help you make the most of your flavour inventory.


By following these storage guidelines, you can extend the shelf life of your flavour concentrates and preserve their essence for future culinary adventures. Remember, a little care goes a long way in maintaining the quality and potency of your favourite flavours, allowing you to enjoy endless possibilities in your culinary pursuits. Happy baking or mixing!

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